Forever Autumn Page 16
‘I’m just a traveller, passing through,’ the Doctor said.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ asked Amanda.
The Doctor shot Martha a look: See? I told you it was easier to just leave.
A voice came floating out of the darkness, beyond the crater. ‘Sounds like we might be in for a spot of subsidence, thanks to you, Doctor.’
‘Etta!’ said the Doctor delightedly. ‘In the nick of time, as always.’
Tony shone his torch into Etta’s face.
‘Do you mind?’ she said, raising a hand.
‘Sorry,’ he said, and lowered the beam, lighting the way ahead for her.
‘My, what a big hole,’ she said. ‘My garden fence is down there somewhere. Mind you, I think I prefer it without the tree. Much more neighbourly, don’t you think?’
‘Er… yes,’ said Tony.
Etta was carrying a large plate, which she held out towards the group. ‘Who’s for a Halloween cookie?’
The cookies were in the shape of bats, coated with black icing, with red dots for eyes.
‘I think I’ll pass if you don’t mind,’ Martha said with a shudder.
‘Me too,’ said Rick, then caught a warning look from his parents. ‘Then again, maybe not.’
‘Lovely,’ said the Doctor, shoving most of a cookie into his mouth. He made exaggerated yum-yum noises, and grabbed another from the plate, then, after a moment’s hesitation, a third, which he dropped into his pocket.
‘Right,’ he said, ‘well, better go. Things to do, people to see. Goodbye all. Come on, Martha.’
Without waiting for a reply, he turned and strode away, leaving Martha smiling sheepishly round at the group.
‘Sorry,’ she said. ‘He doesn’t like goodbyes. Well, I’d better…’ She wafted a hand vaguely in the Doctor’s direction.
Etta smiled. ‘Go on, dear. You catch up with your spaceman. And tell him… thank you. On behalf of us all. Tell him thank you for saving our town.’
‘I will,’ said Martha, and raised a hand. ‘Well, bye everyone. Maybe I’ll see you again some time.’
She doubted she would, though. That was what life with the Doctor was like. Meet people, share extraordinary times, move on.
‘Wait up, Doctor,’ she shouted, jogging after his gangly silhouette. And although she wanted to, she didn’t look back.
Not once.
Many thanks to Justin for opening the door, to Paul and Mark for sharing the adventure, to Gary for the guided tour, to Russell and the gang for giving us the programme we always dreamed of, and to Mike Tucker, Graham Groom, Gareth Preston and Alan Richardson for feeding the geek.
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Epub ISBN 9781409073314
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First published in 2007 by BBC Books, an imprint of Ebury Publishing.
A Random House Group Company.
Copyright © Mark Morris, 2007
Mark Morris has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.
Doctor Who is a BBC Wales production for BBC One
Executive Producers: Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner
Series Producer: Phil Collinson
Original series broadcast on BBC Television. Format © BBC 1963.
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ISBN 9781846075933
Series Consultant: Justin Richards
Project Editor: Steve Tribe
Cover design by Lee Binding © BBC 2007